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Review Bamboo Safety Razor by Emma Wouterson - Plastic Free Amsterdam
March 20, 2020
Review Bamboo Safety Razor by Emma Wouterson

The usual razors are quite expensive. They also bring a lot of plastic packaging with them. I think both are...

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31 Tips For Plastic Free July - Plastic Free Amsterdam
July 13, 2019
31 Tips For Plastic Free July

The challenge for Plastic Free July already started, but the tips are of course for any time and anywhere. I...

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6 plastic free tips for shopping at the supermarket - Plastic Free Amsterdam
March 09, 2019
6 plastic free tips for shopping at the supermarket

Not everyone has the privilege of living near a bulk store. Others don’t have the time to visit the farmer’s...

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5 Easy Plastic Free Products To Reduce Your Plastic Waste - Plastic Free Amsterdam
January 26, 2019
5 Easy Plastic Free Products To Reduce Your Plastic Waste

Plastic is one of the most widely used and cheapest materials in the world today, and only 9% has ever been...

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